Thursday, March 24, 2005

Topic: Volunteers.

Your Feedback:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wed, 30 Mar 2005 03:45:41 -0500
From: isaac greenhut
Subject: [bcra] volunteerios!

Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been out of the loop for the past few weeks. Technical difficulties with my email are hopefully resolved. At any rate (usually the slow one) there were a couple of projects requiring the attention of a few brave volunteers.

First, Barbara Dean has been very patiently waiting for word of help to come in the form of volunteers on April 10th. As part of the monthly folk-brunch benefit series at Helsinki Greg Greenway will be performing at 1:00 pm (brunch starts at 11:30). A volunteer or two may be needed to work the door, distribute propaganda, speak about the station before the second set, and possibly set tables. Anyone interested in an afternoon of good music and the possibility to recruit new members from one of our greenest pastures should email Barbara Dean, who is graciously organizing, and Nick Ring, who is familiar with the Helsinki system, and who will probably be waiting tables for the event. Barbara & Graham Dean and nick ring. Either of them will be happy to answer any questions or rectify any of my informational errors.

2ndly, I've already been asked twice (to my shame!) to put out word for weekly volunteers to host the open house at the wbcr studio. The open house runs from noon to four pm every saturday. It has been suggested that two volunteers can each work two of the hours, but anyone seriously interested in committing to the full 4 hours is certainly welcome.

This will be ongoing, every saturday, until we have too many members. info sheets as well as a personal briefing on the history, nature. and gastronomy of WBCR will be provided for all takers. No one has actually told me this, but i suspect this should be a fairly painless way to earn volunteer hours. if you're interested contact me at Simons Rock. I am compiling a list of lucky contestants to schedule a group orientation.

3rdly, I want to thank Jeanne Bassis for coming to our aid twice now (and at the lastest minute of notice) to work the WBCR tables, first at the Steve Earle show and then the Dar Williams show in Pittsfield. Anyone interested in joining Jeanne or standing in her stead should email their phone number to me. (who doesn't want to volunteer for a show? hello! free music!)

Anyway, sorry for the longwindedness. I'm only allowed to type on a keyboard once a month until someone discovers I'm missing. Thanks for your patience and consideration.


(Blog Editor's Note: The above e-mail was received in the Editor's mailbox.)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mon, 04 Apr 2005
To: "BCRA Discussion"
From: "isaac greenhut"
Subject: [bcra] open house

Hi everyone!

I'm here to ask again for volunteers to represent WBCR-LP at our Open House Forums. Unless volunteers step forward to present the station in this way, we cannot follow our own mandates for community accessibility. All that is needed is a couple of hours to greet interested people, take contributions, give/receive program applications, etc. Simple. If everyone commits to a scheduled two hour shift, we may all escape having to do this more than once a month.

Last Saturday I stopped in at the studio to find a steady stream of prospective members inspired by what they heard on the air and we were short volunteers to greet them. We need to be open more hours. Don't worry, a modest schedule is desired to start, but will include some weekend hours as well as some normal office and early evening hours.

Everyone is invited (strongly invited) to sign up for a scheduled shift and orientation during a time that is %100 convenient for each of you. If no one steps forward we are left with only a handful of "dedicated" members willing to represent us and without whom we would surely descend into a "Lord of the Flies" style of chaos. We risk burning out this small group.

We all need to chip in to maintain our current level of success and to present an organized face to the community at large. If you are
reading this email, then i mean you. Thanks for seeing things my way. sign up now.

talk to you soon.

(Blog Editor's Note: The above e-mail was received in Editor's mailbox.)

Monday, April 04, 2005 6:21:00 PM  

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